
Don Pahl

Don was born and raised in Baltimore County, and introduced to the piano service industry early on in life. Don completed an apprenticeship program at the Sims School of Piano Technology in Columbus, and was employed by the Hammann Music Co. from 1972-1974. In 1974, Don established his own piano service business and has been servicing pianos in the Baltimore area ever since. Don resides in Eldersburg, the grandfather of 5, father of 2, still married to his high school sweetheart.

In June of 2019 Don stepped down and retired from Pahl’s Piano Service and has handed the business over to his son Kevin. He now enjoys having a more relaxed schedule to serve at his church.

Kevin Pahl tuning an upright piano and smiling.

Kevin Pahl

Before joining this team Kevin worked with a nonprofit organization serving community hospitals in the Baltimore Washington metro area. He has always had a passion for how things work and fixing the broken. After graduating from South Carroll High School, Kevin went on to Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Worship and Music Ministry. Always wanting to learn more, Kevin has furthered his education with the completion of the Renner Academy, Piano Technicians Guild’s Grand Action Regulation in 37 Steps, and Yamaha’s Performance Piano Service.

After his father retired in 2019 Kevin has served as owner and operator of Pahl’s Piano Service and looks forward to continuing relationships with long time customers and building new relationships as the business grows. Kevin lives in Westminster, with his wife Heather, and two children Micah and Lucy.

Please contact us with any questions.